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Narrabri Weather - Sponsorship Opportunities

For $50/month (GST included) your logo will appear in all of the prominent locations on the Narrabri Weather website as well as locally on our national Oz Forecast site. Sponsor's logo's are frequently rotated between the different pages on Narrabri Weather.

What We Offer:

  • Weather is unique in that everyone is interested in the local weather! Weather is one of the most commonly googled words in Australia.
  • We are the top hit on all major search engines such as Google, MSN Yahoo.
  • Narrabri Weather averages about 700 visitors per day, however there can be over 4500 visitors during severe weather. Almost all these users are locals!
  • You will receive a monthly sponsorship report outlining how many hits we've had and other interesting information.

    Technical Requirements:

  • All graphics will be displayed as 240 pixels wide by 110 high. We're happy to scan or resize your existing logo in whatever form it comes.
  • We're happy to make a (simple) graphic on your behalf if you can't prepare one yourself, as a free service.
  • We can link to your web site or provide a simple web page for you, again as a free service.

    Please contact us by email, or by phoning Rose or David on 6792 4596, to discuss your interest further.